Greener Lifestyle

How to avoid spreading unnecessary microplastic into our oceans

Let's talk about the power you have as a consumer, when looking for a new outfit.
By choosing a natural fiber, you can impact how fashion is produced.

Every day we fill the ocean with microplastic, which is a growing problem for both wildlife and ourselves. The tiny plastic fibers are eaten by the smallest prey in the sea, and can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. There are also studies that suggest that the smallest pieces of plastic fiber can end up in the brain of fish and change their behavior.

A number of environmental toxins also attach easily to plastic, and can thus end up in the food chains of marine life and be more easily spread by ocean currents and wind. Different types of plastic can also contain hundreds of problematic chemicals. If you think this sounds bad, then by all means check how to avoid plastic in your clothes and can limit microplastics astray from the clothes you already have.

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