This Martial Arts Practice Is Up 189% on Pinterest, and I Know Why

☯ Tai Chi Chuan and Chigong

Tai Chi Girl Meditation in movement

Tai Chi might conjure up visions of elderly people in a park or simply slowly moving your hands in soft waves–but there’s much more to it than that. The practice is having a moment, as searches are up 189% on Pinterest.

Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art. It’s described as “internal” because it promotes relaxation and slowness, and it’s much less likely to sustain an injury compared to the combat styles.
Health Chigong Qigong (which dates back as far as 200 AD), it cultivates the qi (also spelled chi) the internal energy that flows through the body, by combining movement and breathing.
Tai Chi is also Yin and Yang, defined as “seemingly opposite or contrary forces that are actually linked and complementary to one another”.
Tai Chi in the Western world is typically practised for its health benefits.
It’s a physical practice, it’s also great for the mind—you’re calm and grounded, but not to the disengaged level you may be in meditation, where you may not be aware of your surroundings.

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In Tai chi, you’re both present and relaxed all at once. In essence, you’re getting the best of both worlds.