The John Rylands Reading Room Enclave



a person who collects or has a great love of books.

Have you ever wondered if you're a bibliophile? Do you have books stacked on every surface -- like the nightstand, the coffee table, the kitchen table? Do you love the smell of an old book more than anything? Are your bookshelves packed to the brim? Are you buying more books before you finish the ones you're currently reading? Do you buy limited edition bindings or imprints from different countries because the cover design is different? The paperback and the hardcover editions? Do your local librarians know you by name and favorite genre? In case you haven't realized it already, you may be a bibliophile. Your life is surrounded by books, consumed by books, and made infinitely better because of books and the stories contained within them.

Email: [email protected] Instagram: @marvelousthing
Photo credit: "The John Rylands Library Reading Room Enclave" by michael_d_beckwith