Socially Conscious Internships🚀

Partnering in Productive Career Outcomes for Students

Mt. Rushmore Intern

American students are faced with a catch-22 as they work to complete their undergraduate and graduate educations: Internships. While packaged in promises of grandeur, innovation, & opportunities, internships --especially those that are unpaid-- are inaccessible to students in lower social classes looking to improve their financial prospects, via a job, which requires experience. Students pay greatly for this experience. In many cases, students will work additional jobs to particiapte in unpaid internships, all on top of already time consuming school requirements.

We advocate for, and provide the tools, to find internships that fit your financial situation while providing you with a quality hands-on work experience! We implore employers that host internships to strongly consider paying students for their time & ensuring they are carefully mentored and challenged. Afterall, an internship should be an investment in an aspiring professional, not a short-term employee dedicated to grunt work.

Learn More: Hosting an Internship
Learn More: Finding an Internship


👩🏽‍💻Coded by Rhemi Marlatt