Frida Kahlo

the artist who inspired me to begin creating

Frida Kahlo, or Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón was a Mexican artist that was best known for her portraits and interpretations of various aspects of Mexico.

Frida Kahlo, by Guillermo Kahlo.jpg

Kahlo's art style was unique in that she didn't assign it to any specific movement. The Surrealist Art Movement was popular among many artists because it became a method in which to express the connection between conscious and unconscious. Artist André Breton claimed Kahlo as a part of the Surrealist Movement and helped Kahlo show her paintings in Surrealist exhibitions, yet Kahlo loathed the Surrealist Movement as she considered it "bourgeois art". Instead, many have recognized Kahlo as a symbolist in which she portrays her internal experiences.

Frida is incredibly inspirational to me because of all the challenges she overcame in her lifetime. When she was young she was left nearly paralyzed for most of her life, and it was during this time she taught herself to paint. Additionally, she was one of few female artists during the era, and was a prominent figure in the Feminism and LGBTQ+ Movements. She has inspired many through her expressive art and advocacy for minorities.