
3 Fun Facts from Beyond the Solar System 💫

An exoplanet is a planet outside of our solar system. Many exoplanets orbit other stars. However, there are planets that orbit the galactic core called rogue planets. Rogue planets are not bound to any star. Currently, according to NASA, there are 4914 confirmed exoplanets.

1.) There are currently 4 types of exoplanets

Exoplanets are categorized into the categories referenced in the graphic above. There are Gas Giants , Neptune-Like, Terrestrial , and Super-Earth.

2.) The closest exoplanet to earth is proxima centari b

Proxima Centauri b orbits in the "goldilocks zone" around the star Proxima Centauri. It is approximately 4.25 light years from earth and has an orbital period of 11 days.

3.) On average, there is at least one planet per star in the universe

Graphic rendered by Martin Vargic

A significant number of stars in the Milky Way are hosts to one planet or more. Research suggests that many of these exoplanets are in the habitable zones of these stars - meaning that they could support liquid water on the surface.

Up Next ➡ 5 ways to discover a planet

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This page was coded by Alyssa ❣