Takanosho's Humble Beginnings

as a Sanrio cartoon


How, you ask, could anyone be as adorably cute and perfect as Sumo's beloved Takanosho?

Scientists and researchers across the world have been investigating this mystery since Takanosho's debut in March 2010 and have only recently discovered the truth about his mystical origins. Believe it or not, Takanosho was designed in mid-2009 by Yuko Shimizu, and was intended to be the long-awaited sumo wrestler cartoon companion to Hello Kitty.

Shortly after the creation of the newest Sanrio character, world renowned magician, David Blaine, encountered an early sketch of Takanosho while in Tokyo on his worldwide tour, and he was spellbound. He instantly fell in love with this adorable sumo wrestler cartoon and decided that this was his opportunity to attempt the most difficult feat in magic that the world has ever seen.

After months of endless, painstaking research, magicking, and practice, he finally discovered how to turn Takanosho into a real human. Little did he know, his creation would become one of the world’s greatest sumo wrestlers.

This page was coded by Kate Stetson. Thank you for taking time to check out my page!
P.S. This is a work of fiction. Please don't sue me.