European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights

a group of different people promoting inclusivity

FRA is the independent centre of reference and excellence for promoting and protecting human rights in the European Union. It is located in Vienna, Austria and employs people from a plethora of desciplines, such as legal experts, political and social scientists, statisticians, and communication specialists. Their crucial work, towards ensuring that every individual gets the opportunity to enjoy their rights and freedoms, mainly consists of:

Learn more about the Agency's work here.

One important initiative, inter alia, is the Fundamental Rights Forum – Europe’s leading human rights event – a space that nurtures dialogue on today’s human rights challenges and gives a platform for a diverse range of voices. Attendees from all over Europe come together to observe or partake in discussions, exchange knowledge and opinions, as well as raise further awareness on human rights and the ways in which they can be protected.

fundamental rights forum promotion

Most recently, on 11-12 October 2021 the Forum was held online, in Vienna & other European cities. Through panel discussions, workshops, networking sessions, practical demonstrations and exhibitions a varietry of issues were addressed covering six distinct themes: 1. A human rights oriented digital age, 2. Social rights are human rights, 3. Fighting hate and discrimination, 4. Strengthening human rights practice, 5. People on the move, and 6. Defending the rule of law and securing access to justice.

All the sessions held during the Forum are available online and accessible for free to everyone. Don't miss out on the opportunity to benefit from great content on human rights with just a click!

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