Vitamin Sea

🏊Here's Why Sea Swimming is Good For You!🏊‍♂️

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, doctors began prescribing Sea Swimming for various medical ailments. In fact, they would detail how long and how frequently the patients should be in the water. Using seawater for medical purposes even has a name: thalassotherapy. Thanks to Covid restrictions over the last couple of years, many of us have taken up fun new outdoor hobbies. It’s a truly enjoyable pastime that’s been shown to have lots of benefits for body and mind, particularly helping to ease anxiety and stress. Seawater is rich in vitamins and minerals that work as natural cosmetics for our skin. Sea swimming can help soothe and benefit those with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

While trace elements and micro-organisms found in the ocean also have anti-bacterial properties and can, therefore, act as natural antibiotics. The art of Hydrotherapy, which is typically known to help people with chronic joint pain and arthritis, has also been known to help reduce levels of anxiety and depression in those who suffer from the same. Studies have shown that water therapy helps increase the production of beta-endorphins (the ‘feel-good’ molecules). Research has shown that swimming can have a positive effect on anxiety and depression and those who consistently swim have made less frequent visits to a mental health professional. Swimming in the sea can actively improve your health and wellness with calming immersion and daylight exposure. Rich in magnesium, seawater can also help to relieve stress, relax your muscles and promote deep sleep.

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