To walk or not to walk,

...that is the question.

It’s funny, walking is one of the basic experiences we are tasked with learning in this life and yet as we grow older, we forget how important it is to put one foot in front of the other. From infancy, parents worry if their child is “on time” with their contemporaries, wondering if she’s falling behind because she doesn’t walk at 9, 12, or 18 months. One can easily grow up thinking that if she is not like everyone else, then she does not fit. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? To put one foot in front of the other, taking one step at a time in order to learn how to push against what is there to keep you down. That’s how we grow, you see. It is with each step, each action that goes against natural forces, that brings you to the top of mountain. That’s the only way to see breath-taking views. So, go for walk and see what you can accomplish.

Learn more about the benefits of walking.