Portrait Photography 📸

Capturing One's Essence One Snap At A Time

Photography is a form of creativity and expression. Photography can serve many purposes and have many facets. Photography can tell a story, it can capture a moment in time, it can document, and it can be art. There are many technical uses for photography as well as social and creative ones. How we use and interact with photography is highly personal and will differ from one person to the next.

Portrait photography, or portraiture, is a type of photography aimed toward capturing the personality of a person or group of people by using effective lighting, backdrops, and poses. A portrait photograph may be artistic or clinical.

"Photography has been a big part of my life. I love to find beautiful places to explore and take my friends along with me. I definitely see photography as an art because it can be perceived in a multitude of ways. What I love most about portrait photography is that you feel like you can see into someone's soul. Capturing moments that can easily be forgotten is what I look for!"
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