True star of 20th century art
Gustav Klimt

"The Three Ages of Woman" is my favorite painting

The Three Ages of Woman

The Three Ages of Woman is a highly inventive painting. The more I look at it the more I am convinced that we are looking at the same woman in the three ages of her life as opposed to 3 generations of a family, and that they are meeting in this beautiful, spiritual place (possibly heaven) and reflecting on how age and the stages of life can alter us. This heavenly place is decorated with the most beautiful patterns as well as the blackest black (a reminder of the possibility of finality or the unknown in the afterlife?). For me this painting, through its incredible abstract design, celebrates the beauty of the strength and vulnerability of womanhood. This is a visual poem about womanhood that whitewashes nothing, to create a masterpiece that is so unapologetically and powerfully real. Click for more

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