What is Music Therapy?

Definition, Benefits and Types of Music Therapy

By Michelle Liu
Listening to music graphic

What is Music Therapy

Music therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses the naturally mood-lifting properties of music to help people improve their mental health and overall well-being.

Types of Music Therapy

Music therapy can be an active process, where clients play a role in creating music, or a passive one that involves listening or responding to music. Some therapists may use a combined approach that involves both active and passive interactions with music.

There are a variety of approaches established in music therapy, including:

Top 5 Benefits of Music Therapy

Music therapy may help you psychologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, cognitively and socially. A short list of benefits includes:

  1. Music can call up repressed (bottled up) emotions that may then be released.
  2. Music can affect the body by changing your heart rate and lowering blood pressure and respiration (breathing) rate.
  3. Music can lessen feelings of isolation.
  4. Improved motor development or processing.
  5. Music can provide an increased sense of control.