Andrew & Veronica

July 28,2017 • Woodridge, IL

Our Story

Veronica Aguilar and Andrew Worthington picture

Meeting your significant other for the SECOND time is apparently best practices. Andrew and Veronica had met on an online dating app called "Plenty of Fish". They both were striking out pretty hard until Andrew just happened to message Veronica. Veronica decided to take a chance and messaged him back, thinking it was only going to end like all the other dates she went on. Both Andrew and Veronica decided to take it slow and talk on the phone and text for a few months. One night, Andrew was out with a couple of friends of his, while Veronica was at dinner with Kristen. They were still texting each other while being out with their friends and they both finally said, "Let's meet up." Snow/bad weather and all, Veronica made the drive out to Aurora to finally meet Andrew. They ended up spending all night together and found out they had actually met before. A few years previous, Andrew had been actually dating Veronica's best friend Devin! They all happened to be bar hopping and Andrew and Veronica met that night. Now, Veronica actually doesn'e even remember Andrew at all, but for some reason Andrew definietely remembered Veronica. Since then, the happy couple have been entirely inseperable!

Our Wedding Day

Friday, July 28, 2017
4:30 PM

St. Scholatica Church Woodridge, IL