Ashtanga Yoga

A journey to still the mind

When I went to my first Ashtanga yoga class 4 years ago, I didn't really know what to expect. The yoga studio was tiny - there were maybe 10 people in the room - and they were all moving energetically and breathing loudly. There was no teacher in front of them showing a sequence but rather everyone knew the sequence and the teacher was helping them individually. There were students putting their legs behind their head and others would do deep backbends.
4 years later I am still fascinated by the practice, which is very physically demanding. However, what I have learned on my journey so far is that it is not just the physically strenuous postures that I like but rather the calmness of my thoughts.
Patanjali, author of the yoga sutras, writes:
"Yogas chtta vritti nirodha" - Yoga is the stilling of the mind

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Coded by Sandra Weber