
Bringing homemade pasta directly to your home!
Let us know how many guests you have and our chefs take care of the rest.
Enjoy the experience of having nonna's pasta recipe prepared in your own kitchen.

We'll do the cleaning too!

Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Pasta is an integrant part of Italy’s food history. Wherever Italians immigrated they have brought their pasta along, so much so today it can be considered a staple of international cuisine. Unlike other ubiquitous Italian products like pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly recent history, pasta may have a much older pedigree, going back hundreds -if not thousands- of years.

Essentially all pasta starts out as fresh pasta but some is made to be eaten “soft”. Fresh pasta can be made with slightly different ingredients than the dried variety. Many northern regions of Italy use all-purpose flour and eggs while southern Italy usually makes theirs from semolina and water but it depends upon the recipe.
Serving pasta that is made fresh that day shows a great deal of care in preparation and a high level of pride in the household’s culinary skills.

Learn more about the history of pasta.

Coded by Joana Santos