Welcome, New Dungeoneer

Dungeons and Dragons is a cooperative multiplayer role playing game created by Wizards of the Coast in 1974, though it has undergone several changes since then as new editions have been released.

The game is played with two or more adventurers led through imaginary scenarios by a Dungeon Master, a player who guides the others through the world of D&D, building narrative and keeping track of rules. Depending on the players and their preferences, games can range from narrative and role play focussed to mechanics and battle heavy. Dungeon Masters choose to guide players through a pre-written adventure or create their own home-brew adventure. Because of the creativity involved, no two games of Dungeons and Dragons are the same, and anything can happen, as long as you can imagine it.

Your character is your avatar in the many worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. You have the freedom to create their personality, bakground story, motivations, and appearance. The choice can be overwhelming, so the best way to start the process is to beome familiar with the races and classes into which your character will fall.

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