Meditation might sound esotheric to a lot of people. However, the main point in meditation is to gain some distance towards your own thoughts and not get lost in them so easily anymore. "Thoughts are thoughts and not facts" was something I first heard during a coaching course and which resonated with me. It basically means that what you think about yourself and others is just what happens in your head, but that doesn't have to be truth and it doesn't define you. So, if you think you are lazy or not good enough or whatever else you might tell yourself, that is just your head running circles. Meditation helps you to create some distance towards these thoughts and help you accept that they are there - positive as well as negative. That way you can gain a new perspective and create who you want to be each day, without getting cought up in your head too much 🐣🐛
Watch a short TED Talk about meditationThis page was built by Vanessa Bienert