Izzy bakes


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What is baking to me?

According to Wikipedia, baking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, typically in an oven. But to me it is so much more than this.

For me, baking is an escape. I can create something new and delicious. I can follow the recipe or I can choose to adapt it. Sometimes everything goes wrong but the beauty is that you can always start again and try something new.

I love baking and I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. I was even crazy enough to bake my own wedding cake.
It was hard work but I am glad that I did it. I even adapted recipes I had used before to make my own unique recipe!


Everytime I bake, I try to bake something new. Of course there are some things that I bake over and over again but I love the challenges of trying something new. I follow lots of different recipes and often use BBC GoodFood for inspiration. Click the inspiration tab at the top of the page to be transported there or sign up to receive recipe tips!

Coded by Izzy Ross 🧁