Welcome to (Modified) Impulse Drive!

A game adaptation for Devan Manning's Sci-Fi and Fantasy Class!

Find out more about Impulse Drive by clicking here!

Question: Why are we playing a game in class?

Answer: Games help us to make sense of the content we learn in school! This game takes the concepts we've learned or discuss and applies then within the world of a story. Together, we'll make characters, planets, and relationships that prove we understand sci-fi tropes and concepts!

Question: What are the names of the planets in the game's solar system?

Answer: Check out the solar system map below! And please don't be too critical of Ms. M's understanding of astrophysics! 😜

A badly drawn solar system map. The star is to the left, and four
      planets of various size are shown to the right.

Coded by Devan Manning