
Save the Sea Turtles


Leatherback | Hawksbill | Loggerhead | Green

Save these majestic reptiles of the sea

sea turtle

Sea Turtles are one of the many wonerful creatures within our oceans that are slowly disappearing. Their existence is integral to the maintenace of marine ecosystems. Poaching, habitat destruction and climate change are just a few factors that have contributed to the decline in their numbers resulting in almost all species of sea turtles being placed on the endangered species list. Cleaning up beaches and providing additional support on nesting beaches are some of the conservation efforts currently in place to restore the sea turtle population. Learn more about sea turtles, their importance and the threats they face at Wikipedia and WWF

"And the turtles, of course all the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be" -Yertle the Turtle

This page was coded by L. Suarez