Perplexed by a Paradox

What is a paradox?

A paradox is a logically self contradictory statement. That is to say it is founded from true premises but leads to seemingly self contradicoty or a logically unacceptable conclusion.

The racer

Still perplexed by paradoxes?

Let’s look at an example of a racer in a race. Based on Zeno's Paradox. Quite logically to pass the finish line, a racer must first get halfway there. It follows that to get halfway there the racer must first get a quarter of the way there and to get a quarter of the way there the racer must get an eight of the way and so on. It seems to finish the race the racer must complete infinitely many tasks which, of course, seems impossible as the racer can only do a finite number of things. If we follow this logic the racer can never pass the finish line but as we all have seen the racer does pass the finish line. Then, what is the solution here?

Perplexed by the paradox?

Coded by Emma Mack