I love Cats

Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon, being the original working cat, is a talented hunter; they are also generally intelligent and playful animals. They love to use their paws, which allows them to easily open doors and faucets and pick up small objects. Maine Coons are also gifted "apporters." Many Maine Coons pick up their food with their paws and do not eat directly from the food bowl. They are also very often extremely fond of water and love to play with it. Their voice is rather soft and very high pitched, which actually does not fit the size of the animals. The Maine Coon is very talkative with both humans and their conspecifics. Despite the soft "cooing" voice, she can be very specific and very clear about what she wants. Often Maine Coons are very "social" cats. When they live with other pets, not just cats, they often tolerate them. Their interaction with people can be described as extremely friendly and affectionate. Aggressive behavior of Maine Coons is very rare, even towards small children.

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