Let's talk Hip Flexors

Because the "Hips don't lie"

When Shakira first sang the words to her song, I'm sure she didn't realise how much truth there would be in those three little words.

Many of us spend a lot of time sitting, whether it be working, eating, reading, studying...the list goes on. Sitting for prolonged periods can shorten the hip flexors and hamstrings. Shortened hips flexors pull on the front pelvis and shortened hamstrings pull on the back pelvis, which in turn may impact the tilt of your pelvis. The increased tilt of the pelvis in either direction can cause lower back pain.

πŸ‘‰Read more about it here

The stretch described below is a great way to help you relieve any discomfort caused by sitting too much.

Please note: this information is general in nature and does not take in to account your specific circumstances. Always seek medical advice if you have any concerns πŸ§‘β€βš•οΈ.

Make an appointment to get advice tailored to your needs πŸ˜€

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