โœจWhy Black Cats Are Associated With Halloween and Bad Luckโœจ

As early as the 13th century, the Catholic Church linked cats to Satan.

Black cat

Among superstitions, one of the oldest and most enduring is that crossing paths with a black cat will bring on bad luck. The dark-colored felines have also been folded into modern Halloween symbols, giving them the (unearned) reputation of being spooky. But how and where did the association between black cats and bad luck begin? Hereโ€™s what is known about the connection between Halloween and black cats, including the lasting impact of this superstition that remains today.

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Origins of Black Cat Superstitions

The connections between humans and cats can be traced back to some of the worldโ€™s earliest civilizations, most notably, ancient Egypt, where cats were considered divine symbols. Cats also made an appearance in Greek mythology, specifically Hecate, goddess of magic, sorcery, the moon and witchcraft, was described as having a cat as both a pet and a familiar (a supernatural creature that assists a witch, according to European folklore).

Written records link black cats to the occult as far back as the 13th century when an official church document called โ€œVox in Ramaโ€ was issued by Pope Gregory IX on June 13, 1233. โ€œIn it, black cats were declared an incarnation of Satan,โ€ says Layla Morgan Wilde, author of Black Cats Tell: True Tales And Inspiring Images. โ€œThe decree marked the beginning of the inquisition and church-sanctioned heretic and/or witch hunts. Initially it was designed to squash the growing cult of Luciferians in Germany, but quickly spread across Europe.โ€

Black cat running gif