🌟 The Beautea of Bubble Tea 🌟

πŸ‘‘ The IT Drink πŸ‘‘

From soaps to keychains to mascots, Bubble or Boba tea has charmed the world with a single gulp. Many can say that it is the β€œIT” drink, served however you like with whatever you like. Want it mixed with coffee? A smoothie? Or just simple refreshing tea? Anything can be made with boba. It is versatile as it is aesthetic.

But where did Boba tea originate from?

Boba began in a small tea stand in Taiwan during the 1980s, which is aptly known as the Boba capital. An ingenious woman began mixing fruit flavors with her tea, and as she blended the drinks bubble formed and the moniker followed. But it was until 1983 when Lui Han-Chei introduced tapioca pearls to Taiwan. With the creation of tapioca pearls a fad quickly began to add them to the flavored tea drinks, and VIOLA! the boba tea we know and love today took shape.

Now different tea shops have sprung around the world, each with their own twist. But you dont have to head down to a boba store to grab a drink, in fact you can make one from the comforts of your won home. Try the recipe below and tell us what you think! 😻

Want to learn more? Click on the link here

πŸ’“ Try A Recipe πŸ’“

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