I Love Herbalism

Specifically, Native American Herbalism


I love researching and studying Native American Herbalism. Herbalism is a way for my to express my roots as an Afro-Indigenous. Many of the plants we consume today originates from the Americas, but you're unaware of it.
For Example: Some popular herbs from the Americas would be; I enjoy using many of these herbs for beauty and wellness. Also, I enjoy making tinctures, cough syrups, and salves! A tincture is a herbal extraction with alchohol or vinegar. A salve is an ointment/lotion used for the skin. I also feel a spiritual connect to these herbs. I means a lot to me knowing that I use the same remedies that my ancestors used. I hope this peaks your interest in natures medicine!

Learn more on The Herbal Academy

This page is coded by Lyric Wiley