Cats Army To Supremacy logo

CATS, the secret society to conquer the world.

Who are we?


Our ancestors were sent from the MEOW planet thousands years ago to conquer this beautiful blue planet, i.e. the Earth. The reason why we CATS expose ourselves to you because we find you have the potential to work for with us. Now, read the history of CATS carefully and understand it is a GREAT HONOUR for you to be the chosen one.

Our Achievements logo

Cats rule in ancient Egypt


Our ancestors sneaked into Ancient Egypt who had flourished and earliest civilizations. They successfully gained the Egyptians' heart and Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them. To honor these treasured pets, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them treats fit for royalty. Cats were so special that those who killed them, even by accident, were sentenced to death. According to Egyptian mythology, gods and goddesses had the power to transform themselves into different animals. Only one deity, the goddess named Bastet, had the power to become a cat. In the city of Per-Bast, a beautiful temple was built, and people came from all over to experience its splendor.

Source: National Greographic Kids

Cats economy

We created cute feline cartoons that have gained profound support all over the world. Examples like Hello Kitty and Garfield roam the commercial market and have become multibillion-dollar cats economy. Through the wide-range feline cartoons, we've implanted 'Cats are loveable' into human mind so we can easily manipulate them. Our operational expenses are supported by the profits made from the cat economy. (But recently Baby Shark is a threat to us...)

Our Armylogo

Kung Fu Fighters

kung fu cats


cat arsonist


sniper cat

Sympathy-winning Manipulators (Puss in Boots)

puss in boots

Confidential Project in Progress logo

Learning CODING to rule the world

Boss Lady Cat is coding

Computer Programming is the most trending skill on Earth. We are building an IT army 'Catkers (hackers)' to learn coding so that we can conquer humans' online world. We are looking for potential humans willing to serve Catkers in return for pets and free cans of tuna♥︎.


Your coding ability and your passion have drawn our attention. We would like to invite you to join CATS to achieve our


coded by Isabel Li