Mexico en el Paladar

Lagrimas De Dolores

Lágrimas De Dolores
Mezcal Añejo

First developed more than ten years ago, “Lagrimas de Dolores” is an extraordinary mezcal made in the state of Durango, Mexico. Created by Jaime Gutierrez, he and his family took their to make a unique and premium-tasting mezcal. Lagrimas de Dolores is produced with Agave durangensis extracted from the hills of Rancho La Campana de Santa Elena in the Mezquital Municipality in Durango. The hearts of the agave are taken to the Hacienda Dolores, Durango where it is cooked in ground, fermented, and distilled. Not only does it have a sublime taste but also gives off aromatic notes of wood, caramel, and subtle remnants of herbs. This mezcal is aged for a year in first-generation white oak barrels and then bottled. Although their bottle was designed in Feuquières, France, it gives tribute to Mexico. From the leather cap that caracterizes Durango and Mexican fine-horse culture to the representation of the crown of la Virgen Dolorosa that resembles maguey cenizo. This mezcal is best taken clean in small sips to truly enjoy the taste and aromas but can also be made in cocktails. My personal favorite is the “Mezcalita”. A simple cocktail made with hibiscus juice, mezcal, orange, and a hint of powdered chile. Lagrimas de Dolores is one of the many enriching things Mexico has to offer. Everything about it is truly an art form. This is the real flavor of Mexico.


Check out the "Mezcalita" recipe here:

Mezcalita con Jamaica Insterested in tasting Mezcal?
Created by Destinee Jimenez Morales