Fisheries in the United States

Understanding the implications of careful management strategies
that work with people and fishing communities

Fisheries provide sustenance and livelihoods. Essential policies in the United States allow for the management of fish and their ecosystems while also ensuring sustainable nutrition for millions of people. Sustainable fisheries rely on fishers' knowledge, stock assessments, cooperation, and effective management strategies. Concurrently, fisheries impact other ocean sectors, including ocean conservation, international policy, transportation, waste management, and more. Aggregating the knowledge and expertise from all sectors increase fisheries management policies' robustness. The ongoing support and improvement of such processes will ensure food, livelihoods, and an inclusive, thriving ocean for future generations.

Learn more on NOAA's Website

Fishers in a small boat on still ocean water at sunset

This page was coded by Katie O'Donnell
This is my final project for a SheCodes workshop.
The purpose of this page is to highlight skills learned in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
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