More Than Gamers NFT Collection

10,000 Unique and diverse gamers competing
for survival in the more than gamers metaverse

The world as they know it is long gone. The rise of an elite royalty class has sent the rest of society into turmoil.
Economic inequality, hate, and division have become the norm. Gamers must now battle across the metaverse to earn $Arcada to survive.
$Arcada rules the game Society class is determined by how much $Arcada one holds. The more one plays, the more $Arcada they earn.
$Arcada is needed to purchase all essential items. However, a rumor has been spreading…
Collect enough $Arcada and you may be able to break out of the constraints of your economic class.
Are the elite truly satisfied or are they also under the secret control of a higher power? But that is just the beginning of the journey…

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This page was built by Kayla Broomham-Smith