Bicycle city of the world


There are around 847.000 bikes in Amsterdam that belong to 442.693 households.
There are four times more bicycles than cars in Amsterdam.
80% of Amsterdammers own a bike and almost 60% use their bikes on a daily basis.
In the whole Netherlands, there are 23.000.000 bikes.

Bike Canal

It’s not a secret that Amsterdam has been ranked as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the whole world.
There are many paths, signs and traffic lights designated for cyclists exclusively.
You can literally access the whole of Amsterdam by bike. The total length of cycle paths throughout the city is around 600 kilometers.
Most of them are located alongside roads with a 50 km/h speed limit and thoroughfares.
If a maximum speed limit of 30 km/h applies, there’s no requirement to build separate cycle paths. This means bikes and cars need to coexist.

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