Sailor Moon, created in 1992 by Japanese anime production company
Toei Animation; This series has become insanely popular and loved
by people of all genders and ages. Serena and her Sailor Scouts have become unmistakeable icons,
who fight
for love and justice, while looking utterly fabulous. The Sailor
Scouts stand for values such as friendship, honesty and courage.
The show presented many valuable themes and lessons; Such as: there is no place
for Misogyny!
Everyone is important, you can be your own hero, you should
value your friendships, and respect yourself.
Each episode would bring a new message. In segements at the end of the
show titled Sailor Moon Says,
Serena would bestow wisdom upon her loyal viewers and encourage them to
be kind to themselves and others.
In fact one dedicated fan called
Evidently, Sailor Moon has had a profound impact on many fans.
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Coded by: Diana Diglics 🌙