Thorough handwashing for at least 20 secounds with soap and water can protect you and others from COVID-19 and respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, and gastric infections that cause diarrhea. Many of these conditions can be fatal to some people, such as older adults, those with weakened immune systems, babies, and children. You can pass on these germs, even if you are not sick.
Liquid soap is better than using alcohole-based hand sanitisers or bar soap. Antibacterial soap may not be necessary to use every day at home outside of healthcare settings. Regular soap and water can be effective.
They shouldn't be used handsanitizers regularly instead of handwashing, since soap and water are more appropriate for regularly removing dirt, debris, and harmful germs than hand sanitizers. Using hand sanitizers too frequently can also reduce the number of helpful bacteria on your hands and skin.