I love drawing

Specially illustrating your trips around the world


Most of us love traveling. Here are five reasons why we should travel anytime we have the opportunity to do it:

New experiences

Traveling is the best way to unplug from the pushes and pulls of daily life. It helps us forget about our problems, frustrations and fears at home. Every new trip is a new reason to spend quality time with family, friends or on your own exploring new places, cultures, cuisines, traditions and ways of living.


Close your eyes. Think about your favourite city or place to visit. Now, imagine a food you love passionately. I'm sure you smiled! That's it, eating and travelling are things that really move us. Is there a better thing than to combine these two passions in a trip? Traveling gives us the opportunity to explore new gastronomic offer and understand the pleasures of the table of other cultures. While we appreciate food and beverages, we learn about history, traditions, environment and local culture that go beyond every taste. Bon appétit!

Connecting with other people

When you travel you discover that everyone has a story to tell. When you are constatly surrounded by a wide variety of fascinating people, you learn to become a better listener, you accept relationships in all their forms, you adjust your perspectives, become less judgmental and more empathetic and considered and you learn to be present.

Gaining a sense of perspective and appreciation

Traveling teaches the importance of adapting to your environment and adopting the rituals and manners that best suit the local lifestyle. Taking time to learn what people around you value, then trying to align your behavior with these values shapes you into a more self-aware, considerate person. No matter how big or small a trip, travel can create long-lasting memories. Imagine yourself having a bad day. You think about your last trip and smile no matter what. Do you want to keep this memories illustrated? Would you like to make a present to your trip colleagues that will help them rememore your great trip forever?

Making memories

A new trip means new adventures, visiting exciting destinations and collecting plenty of unforgettable moments. Send me a brief description of your trip: where did you go, what did you eat, anything that surprised you, something you loved, a moment of laugh... and I will illustrate it so you can keep it with you forever.

Are you already thinking about your next trip? Discover how you can get your trip illustration at:
Illustrations by blancadejose