Plant-Base Diet

"God has ordained laws for the government, not only of living beings, but of all the operations of nature. Everything is under fixed laws, which cannot be disregarded. . . . "The Faith I Live By, page 179, paragraph 2; Chapter Title: Here And Hereafter We believe acquiring or maintaining good/optimum health has everything to do with lifestyle choices. Therefore we believe the every day, consistent application of the eight laws of health listed below will reward us greatly with improved health and happiness. These eight laws of health govern the whole man--man as a social being, man as a spiritual being, and man as a physical being. If the whole man is attended to, then only happiness and abundant health will be the result. Even in the case where disease has taken a foothold in the body, we believe that the first step in restoring health is through the proper application of the eight laws of health without the use of "drugs". Only if this fails, do we believe in drug use. We are told that: "Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power,--these are the true remedies." -- "Ministry of Healing," p. 127.


Nutritional Site

created by Anita Frempong