Wingspan: up to 24cm
Common in: Southeast Asia
Livespan: 1-2 Weeks (Adult State)
The Atlas moth is a large moth endemic to the forests
of Asia. It was named after the titan Atlas from greek mythology. The
Atlas moth is one of the largest moths in the world, with a wingspan
measuring up to 24 cm. It is only surpassed in wingspan by the
white witch (Thysania agrippina)
Attacus caesar.
Interestingly this creature does not have a mouth at all in itΒ΄s adult
state, and hence, the caterpillar must consume large quantities of food
for storing enough fat for its further life as a moth, which is
extremely short (only 1-2 Weeks).
The caterpillars of these giant moths eat leaves of
citrus fruits,
jamaican cherry and different other
leaves of evergreen trees.