Acrylic Nails

My "Must Have"

XL Nail

Set of XL Nails

In the 1950s, a dentist named Frederick Slack broke his nail and experimented with chemicals and different materials to create an artificial looking nail to go over his old broken one, using dental acrylics. But, in the late 70s, Dr. Stuart Nordstrom, invented the professional liquid and powder system used in acrylics. My personal favorite lengths are long & XL nails. These lengths have become more popular in recent years, requiring an extra long nail tip to complete the style. XL nails can be dangerous if not cared after properly. If handled too roughly, it is possible to break the nail all the way down to the nailbed.

I do not recommend getting XL nails if you are new to the acrylic world.

If you are a beginner, I recommend:

Any shape is fine at these lengths