The Beauty Of
Japanese Iced Coffee


Japanese Iced coffee is simply coffee brewed with hot water, directly onto ice.

Other cold brew methods like immersion or slow drip use ice cold water and steep the coffee grounds for 6-12 hours. Brewing coffee with hot water quickly dissolves the desired flavors and aromatics in ground coffee. This allows you to extract the range of interesting flavors that coffee can produce without having to wait for hours. The coffee cools instantly as it contacts the ice, this rapid cooling locks in the flavors and volatile aromatics.

The result: Cold coffee with a full range of flavors that takes no more time to brew than hot coffee.

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Japanese Iced Coffee Recipe

The Hario v60 is a tried and true pour over cone trusted by millions around the world. It would make sense that it is one of the most popular ways to make Japanese Iced Coffee as well.
The flow rate of the v60 is easier to control than other cones because of the large hole at the bottom of the cone and the thin paper filter. This makes the v60 very versatile; by adjusting the pour rate and grind size, you can produce very different results with the same coffee.

  1. Prewet the filter and dump out the water from the container.
  2. Add 187 grams of ice to the container.
  3. Add coffee and pour 20-25 grams of water, fully wetting the grounds. Let steep for 30 seconds.
  4. Pour in water up to 100 grams using a circular motion around the cone. Let the water line reside for about 20 seconds.
  5. Pour remaining water (up to 205g) and let the coffee drain from the cone.