Plant House

Plant House

A Guide On Loving your Plants

hoya plant leaves

Also known as the waxplant.

Hoya is a tropical plant, so it enjoys humidity. Use a humidifier if you can.

Only water Hoya when at least 1 inch of the top soil is dry. Keep going until water drains from the bottom, then stop.

Hoya enjoys light, but never the direct sun. Place it in a bright room, but not in direct sun.

pothos plant in a pot

Also known as Devil's Ivy.

Pothos can adapt itself to most circumstances.

Water when half the soil is dry. It can tolerate less frequent watering. However when you water, make sure to completely soak the soil.

Pothos enjoys light as long as it is indirect, but can easily live in darker environment. However, it might grow slower.

monstera plant in a bright room

Also known as Swiss Cheese plant.

Monstera needs a well-draining and light soil to stay healthy.

It is very sensitive to both overwatering and underwatering. Water if half of soil is dry, but don't keep it thirsty. Depending on the soil, the frequency might differ.

Monstera likes bright, well-lit rooms. A place near the window but away from direct sun is a perfect place for it.

moses-in-cradle with its purple leaves showing
Moses In Cradle

Also known as Boat Lily.

Moses-in-cradle is quite resistent, so its very easy to grow.

Water if 1 inch of top soil is dry. It can tolerate some underwatering.

It loves brightly-lit rooms. Put it near the window but in partial shade. It can live in darker rooms, but the stems will become leggy and it will lose its gorgeous purple color.


Also known as the Umbrella plant.

Schefflera is a pretty undemanding house plant.

To water, Wait until the soil in the pot dries out and then thoroughly soak the plant's soil.

Schefflera likes some shade, so place it in a bright room away from windows. but darker rooms will lead to leggy stems.

polka dot plant with purple leaves
Polka Dot

Also known as Freckle Face plant.

Keep in warm temperature and use a humidifier if you can.

It likes wet soil, so water a little before soil completely dries. A well-draining soil can help avoid soggy soil.

As long as the weather is warm, Polka dot can sit next to the window in indirect light. purple varieties lose their color in darker places.