Get Lost In Japan


Welcome to the land of the Rising Sun

I have noticed that it's not everyone that get to travel somewhere completely unknown. But have you ever considered about Japan? Despite the fact that I haven't been to all the 47 prefectures yet, and also got lost way too often due to my lacking sense of orientation, I have had the chance to discover some undiscovered gems from the tourists. How ? By just taking spontaneous trips to areas that were a little bit off the beaten path.

I think it's important that we're all able to share stories from our travels with a broader, global community, but the new generation follow too religiously the same revisited "travel guides" made by travel influencers in the same must-go cities such as Tokyo, and Osaka. At the end of the day, we will just end up with a lack of surprise and awe when we actual get there. So why not create your own unique journey?

After living in North Japan for 3 years, my own journey have been only full of magical moments shared with delightful and sweet locals who cannot be more thrilled than to show you the secrets of the beautiful countryside experience. Through my own experience I will share with you my best top 10 secret must-try destinations in new areas that are still to be experienced by toustists.

So why not consider traveling to Japan now?

This page was built by Julie Sergent