SOLANA £143    ETH £3277    MATIC £1.76    BITCOIN £37,372    BNB £448.42    ADA £1.03    XRP £0.69   DOT £21.84    AVAX £68.20    CRO £0.45    LTC £121    ALGORAND £1.27    CHAINLINK £16.46    MANA £2.92    AXS £84.17    VET £0.06    COSMOS £18.30    ICP £22.98    SOLANA £143    ETH £3277    MATIC £1.76    BITCOIN £37,372    BNB £448.42    ADA £1.03    XRP £0.69   DOT £21.84    AVAX £68.20    CRO £0.45    LTC £121    ALGORAND £1.27 CHAINLINK £16.46    MANA £2.92    AXS £84.17    VET £0.06    COSMOS £18.30    ICP £22.98


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, allow people to buy the rights to online art, including images, animation or even tweets. At a very high level, most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin or dogecoin, but its blockchain also supports these NFTs, which store extra information that makes them work differently from, say, an ETH coin. It is worth noting that other blockchains can implement their own versions of NFTs. Although highly sort after, the Ethereum blockchain leaves buyers with astronomical gas fees. In the recent months Sol NFTs (the solana blockchain) has been a great choice for first time buyers to enter the market with gas fees being extremely cheap. This makes the NFT world more accessible to more people. If you're interested in minting a NFT using the Solana blockchain check out Magic Eden!

Coded by Lois Fuller ✌🏼