5 tips for growing your Monstera Deliciosa

Do you want to grow a huge Monstera Deliciosa, like the ones you see on Instagram? I've got your back: I put all of my best practises in this blog, so you can grow an indoor jungle yourself.
Monstera Deliciosa

1 Mind the light

My plant gets a lot of bright indirect light. It’s standing two meter from a eastern facing window. The only sunlight it gets is some morning sun. Avoid direct sunlight, especially harsh afternoon sun.

2 Pick the right pot

For my plants I always pick plastic pots, with holes in the bottom. Why plastic? It keeps the water in. Terracotta is porous, so it will let the moisture through, that way causing the roots to dry out faster.
To avoid overwatering my plants, I always make sure the pot has holes in the bottom. That way excess water can drain away. Place your pot on a saucer or in a decorative pot without holes.
You should repot your Monstera Deliciosa every 2 to 3 years, also make sure to use new soil then.

3 Water away

There are two things to think about considering water: how often and how many.
I water my Monstera Deliciosa about once a week. During warm days in summer it might be twice a week. I prefer to give my plant a lot of water, as if a tropical rain shower came by. That way she can drink how much she wants, the excess water will drain away on a saucer.
Also your plant will be very happy when you regularly mist it with a plant sprayer. A Monstera Deliciosa loves being humid. It will keep the leaves dust free and helps with pest control.

4 Feeding fertilizer

Feed your plant some organic fertilizer during the months it grows. That would be from April to September. Do not use as much as the packaging says, that would burn the roots. Just stick to half a dose, once or twice a month.

5 Stick to a stick

A Monstera Deliciosa wants to climbs, that is what it does in nature: it will grow against trees. You can imitate this by giving it a moss stick, that your plant can use to grow against. You can bind your plant against the stick by using rope covered wire.

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