Learn HerStory

History is told by the winners,
so it's about time we heard from the queens

“Women have been kept from contributing to History-making, that is, the ordering and interpretation of the past of humankind. Since this process of meaning-giving is essential to the creation and perpetuation of civilization, we can see that at once women’s marginality in this endeavor places us in a unique and segregate position. Women are the majority, yet we are structured into social institutions as though we were a minority”
(Lerner, The Creation of Patriarchy).

Learning history, her way

Cleopatra: Sex Positive as a Weapon

History says Queen Cleo was an Egyptian slut. In this course, we say, so what? Women are not Madonnas or whores. We contain multitides. And clitori.

Anne Boleyn: Temptress or Victim?

In this class we learn about how the male perspective turned Anne Boleyn into a tease who would do anything, including fuck her own brother, for a crown.

Hidden Figures: Fuck You, Math is for Boys

The real history of how white men decided math was no longer black women's work once they realized how profitable it was. And we put these idiots on the moon...

Coded by Rebecca Bellan