Introduction to Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
Learn 4 basic concepts, now!
Concept 1
Cybercrime does not have a universally accepted defintion, but the concept of "cybercrime" comes from its origin of crimes committed in "cyberspace"
Concept 2
Cybersecurity is paired with understanding technologies, processes and controls designed to protect digital systems, networks, programs, devices or content.
Concept 3
There are two types of cybercrimes: cyber-dependent (offences that can only be committed using forms of ICT, such as a computer or
computer networks)
cyber-enabled (crimes that can still be committed without the use of ICT) -
Concept 4
Rather than thinking of cybercrime as "attack" and cybersecurity as "defence" (two separate entitites), think of them both in a holistic manner.
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Coded by Nikita Dave