Barcelona Walking Tours

Such an amazing city to visit !

What's over here? And a couple of streets over there? Wherever you are in Barcelona, there's always something to see nearby around the neighbourhood or district: jewels of home-grown Catalan architecture, modernisme, and contemporary architecture, markets that are a treat for the senses, treasures of the ancient Roman and medieval city, parks where you can unwind … And the best thing of all is, you don't have to be a great explorer to find and discover all of Barcelona’s neighbourhoods.

The districts you can visit

Barcelona has no limits, but the calendar does. Our day itineraries can be tailored to fit in with your schedule so that you can enjoy the city to the full. And don't worry: whether you only have time to see the essential sights, explore the city in greater depth or manage to take a trip out of town, you're bound to want to come back to Barcelona.