
Cycling , use of a bicycle for sport, recreation, or transportation. The sport of cycling consists of professional and amateur races.

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When you first begin cycling it’s likely you’ll have plenty of burning questions and, as you progress to well and truly catching the bike bug, it’s normal to experience even more perplexing conundrums.
From wearing cycling shorts to wondering how often you should cycle, there are no stupid questions and you can guarantee we’ve all made similar mistakes along the way.

Do I need a professional bike fit?

Yes! This will be by far one of the best things to invest in. Buying either the most expensive or cheapest bike on the market will be a waste of money if it doesn’t fit you properly.

Do I have to wear those padded shorts?

A pair of well-fitted padded shorts will be a godsend, taking the pressure off your sit bones and preventing any unwanted seams from rubbing or digging in, ultimately keeping you riding for longer.

How many times a week should i be riding?

As often as you can, as frequent short rides will do more to benefit your fitness than just one long ride at the weekend. Fitness is built on regular exercise. Read more

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