♥ Juliet Club ♥

Dear Juliet...

Every year, the Juliet Club in Verona, Italy receives thousands and thousands of letters from people all over the world seeking Juliet's advice about a range of topics, but mostly love. A team of volunteers, known as Secretaries of Juliet, answers each of these letters in the name of the most famous heroine in literature--Juliet. In addition to Verona being the setting of Shakespeare's most renowned play, Romeo and Juliet, this unique phenomenon has made Verona the world's "city of love."
It all started back in the 1930's when Ettore Solimani, guardian of Juliet's tomb, began gathering the first letters people left at the grave. Moved by this phenomenon, he began replying, thus becoming the first “Secretary of Juliet." While this age is dominated by text messages, emails, etc., we often still turn to pen and paper when it comes to expressing our innermost feelings. We see this when people write in their journals or in this case, write letters to Juliet. Isn't it interesting then that we contact a real person by phone or email while we prefer pen and paper to reach a mythical character?

Write to Juliet 💌