

How to care for succulents 🌡

If you long for indoor greenery but have not succeeded with houseplants, consider succulents. They are easy-to-please houseguests and survive indoor conditions with minimal effort. They survive dry indoor environments thanks to special adaptations – fleshy leaves, thick stems or enlarged roots – that allow the plants to hoard water. Most people are familiar with cacti, which are a type of succulent. But succulents also include a host of other plants grown primarily for eye-catching foliage. Strong, distinct leaf shapes give succulents striking textures that transform them into living sculptures for interior rooms. They make great indoor plants because they are adapted to survive dry conditions. In winter especially, homes offer dry interior air to houseplants, which is why many do not survive. Low relative humidity is not a houseplant's friend. Succulents, though, with their water-storing ways, endure dry air without ugly side effects. Learn how to grow these undemanding plants and how to care for succulents indoors.
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