
The only over-the-counter acne treatment proven to work


Retinol a derivative of vitamin A , retinol helps to promote skin renewal and enhance collagen production to keep skin looking youthful, working at a cellular level to promote renewal and repair processes so that newer cells reach the surface quicker. As we age, the rate at which our skin renews itself slows down πŸ˜₯ so retinol can be a great way of kick-starting cells back into action. If you have moderate to severe acne that hasn't gotten better with other treatments, a retinoid may help. When spread on the skin, retinoids can unclog pores, allowing other medicated creams and gels to work better. They also reduce acne outbreaks by preventing dead cells from clogging pores.

For more info on retinol

Coded by Cathryn Pinkney